Crazy..You calling me crazy?!

Today, oh my word what a day, I had to take Shepherd to the doctors since he is sick and I thought I was in a crazy room.  I had my one year old sitting on the floor screaming because he didn't feel good and then I had my three year old acting like a maniac.  After sitting for about 30 minutes I couldn't take it anymore so I went to the desk and told them to scratch our name off because I had to get them home and take a nap.  Oh it gets better!! We get back home and Shepherd took a nap right away and do you honestly believe that Drew took one?? Absolutely not! I layed with him for about 40 minutes and he just wouldn't get the hint so off to see grandma we go. (To update you we are staying with my mother in laws till our home is ready) From this point I got fake cries and tantrums and boy was I finished for the day. I love my Drewbee but he totally tuckers me out by 3! From this point I am not only being driven nuts but I am actually convincing myself that I am. HA! I long for days that start late and end early and as my kids are getting older I find that they hate the horizontal position. Please Drew and Shepherd let's do what you are told...bahahahaha like that will happen!  Sweet dreams everyone! Trust me there will be more tomorrow!!
It just keeps getting better and better.


Ever Wonder...

Wish pictures could speak of the true personality of kiddos!

what your kids are thinking? I think today alone I got around 150 looks from my two boys telling me that I was out of my mind and I needed to chill out. HA! If they only knew how I felt!! My boys are two awesome kids! (I know everyone says that right?!) But it is so true with these two! Drew is only 3 and gets bored senseless that I think he finds whining all the time as a game to see how many reactions he can get from me. Then there is Shepherd who is only one and lately he just follows suit with whatever his brother is doing. The word that always comes to my mind during the day is circus as I am humming the, Do Do DoOoOooo Do Do Do Do, when the clowns come out for the show. My heart totally beats for my boys.

Before they went to bed tonight Drew was throwing legos at his brother, Shepherd got up and picked up a ball that was gushy and lite up inside and threw it at Drew. Drew is totally terrified of this ball and started to run and scream, Shepherd on the other hand laughed and went back to doing what he was doing before. Gotta love every bit of humor you can find everyday!


Santa Picture

Crazy month at the Ruona home

So this past month it has been a little crazy around here...(AHEM) hence the title "Our Crazy Life". Jim has been gone for dry dock and I have been at home with the kids. The first two weeks were a complete blast since we went to Tennessee (gorgeous) and got to see my cousin and her family for a week. Thank you Dani for opening your home to us girl, I love you guys. Then off to Birmingham we went from there, to break the trip up, and got to spend a few days with my parents (aka Juju and Fink). The boys had such a great little vaca and then we came home. The weekend of Halloween Jim got to come home for the weekend to see us and boy was that a wonderful and fabulous surprise to see his handsome face here. The boys were a hit for Halloween and Drew got TONS of candy. Then back to reality we went as Jim had to leave once again and go back to the ship and the past two weeks have been pretty tough but also rewarding at the same time. I wouldn't trade any of my boys in for anything but all I got to say is I AM SO GLAD THAT HE IS COMING HOME IN A FEW DAYS. ha! The joys of military life, love it some days and other days you could trade it. So thank you to all, you know who you are, for being super great to my family in the past month. Much love! ~Lindsey

gobble gobble gobble

These are the turkey's that Drewbee and Maggles made together yesterday! They turned out so cute! They were both so very proud of their work!!! I am so blessed to have them in my (our) life and I don't know where I would be without their wonderful friendship!! Thanks Jill I love you a lot and you are such a blessing to me and the bestest friend a girl could ever hope for.

GInorMous PumpKin

My little Shepherd at 7 months! Can you believe it is 7 months already since he entered the world?! Jill and myself had a blast doing pictures of the little guy that is for sure! Oh and just to inform everyone Shep's new name from Drew is Bobby. HA! It is just to cute to change for now.


Yes that is right Mr. Shepherd is finally scooting/crawling around the house!! So exciting but at the same time so very sad that he is moving from the baby stage to another big boy stage. I remember the day he was born and all the feelings that flooded me at the same time when I first got a glimpse of my new little love. Drew started to crawl around this age so it is very neat to see the similarities between the two of them as they grow. So the only thought that is running through my mind is "Hold on Lindsey it's only going to get better from here!" So exciting!!!

Pictures to follow.